Packages describing “client” as local USE flag

Package“client” Flag Description
app-misc/carbon-c-relaybuild and install sendmetric client utility
app-shells/atuinEnable the autin client
dev-util/TensileBuild and install tensile_client executable to run benchmarks and tune GPU GEMM
games-board/cockatriceBuild with client
games-engines/minetestBuild Minetest client
games-engines/odamexBuild client target
games-fps/quakeforgeBuild Normal and QuakeWorld clients alongside the servers
games-fps/urbanterrorBuild binary for client (includes code for non-dedicated server)
games-fps/yamagi-quake2Build client
games-roguelike/tomenetCompile client
games-strategy/freeorionBuild game client
games-strategy/ufoaiBuild the main game client
media-plugins/vdr-streamdevCompile the VDR plugin vdr-streamdev-client that can connect a vdr to a remote streamdev-server instance
media-sound/snapcastBuild and install Snapcast client component
net-dialup/openl2tpEnable l2tp client.
net-firewall/fwknopBuild fwknop client
net-fs/sambaEnables the client part
net-ftp/tftp-hpaCompile and install the tftp client
net-libs/libwebsocketsThe client part of the library and libwebsockets-test-client
net-misc/birdBuild the ncurses/readline full featured CLI
net-misc/dhcpInstall the dhclient program
net-misc/freerdpBuild client binaries
net-misc/gsaslBuild client component
net-misc/moshBuild network client
net-vpn/frpBuild and install frp client (frpc)
net-wireless/iwdEnable iwctl client tool
sci-chemistry/molequeueBuild the client application
sci-libs/clblasBuild a command line clBLAS client program.
sci-libs/clblastEnable compilation of the clients to test and compare performance with reference libraries
sys-apps/openrazerBuild the OpenRazer daemon client
x11-wm/xpraBuild client-side code

All packages providing a “client” USE flag (7)